Thursday morning April 26th 30 RMGC members geared
up and drove to the Mira Vista – soon to be Berkeley
Country Club perched high in the hills over El Cerrito. We
were welcomed warmly by the hosting club and enjoyed a
great breakfast and lunch and as always wonderful
camaraderie. However, the weather was neither warm nor
allowed for the wonderful views usually seen from that
venue. The pea soup engulfed us and the course leaving
even the club members questioning where to hit the ball.
So we all guessed swung then looked in all directions as to
where our balls might be hidden. Sometimes laughing and
sometimes not in frustration. At the end of the day we all
returned to commiserate over our weather dampened round.
We told stories of lost balls, but all equipment appeared
intact. Personally I’m not sure if I didn’t leave at least one
odd body part out there – I’m still checking. One of our
members, Roddy Lee, who use to belong at Mira Vista, as
well as Rich Scheffer and Jack Shuck (I apologize if I
missed anyone) were all of the opinion they were glad they
had moved to the warm confines of Rossmoor. All in all it
was a good day. The survivors ie winners are listed in the
below link.
H&H A WIN. ’17 Mira Vista